Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The use of public space

The group project that we chose is the use of public space.  I created a video in my research course about New York City musicians under and above ground on how they interact with the public space and the community that uses the space.  Here's a link to my video Playing for spare change or social change

A tech baby is born

This is my first HTML website.  I had the chance to build on a template freebess before but never really understood the basic Syntax.  This class gave me a chance to see the foundation of the website programming.  The process of building is really fun.  I have so much to learn, and experimenting every time is the best way to do it.  Trial and error.  The links provided in the course syllabus is very helpful and some I used only for the first time.  Visit maladaw's website and to contact  email me

Thursday, March 22, 2012

On-line classroom

Welcome to www world for teachers. Work outside the box. Make your class experience a virtual classroom. This is the practical way of making classroom resources available on-line, anytime, anywhere.